
Insights on Demand Videocast

Engineering Demand Generation to Meet Long-Range Vision

For B2B marketers, it can be challenging to create a strategy that balances the need for both immediate and long-term results. Heather Moses, Senior VP of Marketing at Nexthink, a global software provider empowering IT teams to create better digital work experiences for employees, shares the strategies that she’s found successful in creating demand, dealing with the changing buyer journey – and even measuring awareness. Learn about the community Heather and her team have built to educate their target audience and provide valuable insights regarding what is most important to them. She also does a deep dive into pipeline metrics. Watch the video to find out which ones she finds most useful.

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Your friendly hosts for Insights on Demand have decades of marketing and demand generation experience and enjoy discovering the gems of marketing wisdom that each guest brings to the discussion.


Grant Bentley

Strategic Account Director
at InsideUp

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