Aligning Sales and Marketing Over Agreed-Upon Metrics
Do you ever have the feeling that your organization could accomplish so much more if only your sales and marketing teams could collaborate more effectively? Well, InsideUp has recently released a report titled Aligning Sales and Marketing Over Agreed-Upon Metrics that delves into why aligning your sales ...
Cloud Technology Buying Committees New Decision-Making Dynamics
The buying process of cloud technology companies is changing, and these changes are impacting the buyer journey. For instance, IT is gaining more pull in buying committees—even those run by other corporate functions. We surveyed IT professionals, who have participated, and are continuing to participate, on ...
7 Reasons to Move Communications to the Cloud in 2023
Is your IT team overwhelmed with managing multiple communications solutions? Are you tired of paying multiple invoices for those solutions? Cloud-based communications give you better voice, mobility, and collaboration tools within a single solution. And it can all be managed virtually; a claim that stagnant and inflexible legacy ...
How Darktrace AI Helped Protect the World Cup 2022 from Cyber Disruption
Explainable AI from Darktrace can rapidly synthesize information about disparate events and generate emerging threat alerts in seconds. Darktrace monitors and protects OT and IT, detects unusual behaviors, and presents its findings in a single pane of glass.? The technology that mitigated threats to the World Cup can ...
How to “Futureproof” Your Startup
Is your business future proof? It can be, if you’re making wise decisions now so you won’t have to retool and reinvest as your company evolves. Fortunately, today’s cloud-based phone systems are equipped to help your startup business work efficiently, grow, and prosper. &...
Lorem Ipsum
Did you know that it takes 77 to 85 days for an organization to detect an attack from within? The attached whitepaper from Darktrace entitled Detection and Response Across the Enterprise contains vital information on how Darktrace solutions protect your organization from attacks.?? Darktrace’s Threat Visualizer, for instance, provides ...
Get Close to Your Customers to Fine-Tune Your Brand Story
You’re passionate about?your?company’s technology, and that’s understandable. Naturally, you want to tell?your?potential?customers?all about it. But is that the best way to engage them? In this episode of the InsideUp?Video?Podcast, we talk with Geoff Webb, VP of ...