
Insights on Demand Videocast

The Art of Leadership and the Science of Data in Harnessing Predictive AI

In this fascinating discussion about Human Insight, Dr. Cazhaow Qazaz recounts his journey from practitioner to executive in the field of data science, and how that has prepared him to work with corporate clients seeking to harness the power of Predictive AI to drive 10x improvements in their business results. Dr. Qazaz has assisted a cross-section of marketing powerhouses such as Dun & Bradstreet and Merkle to navigate the uncharted waters of Predictive AI, so don’t miss tapping into his expertise by watching this episode.   

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Your friendly hosts for Insights on Demand have decades of marketing and demand generation experience and enjoy discovering the gems of marketing wisdom that each guest brings to the discussion.


Grant Bentley

Strategic Account Director
at InsideUp

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